Minggu, 26 Desember 2021

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Sabtu, 25 Desember 2021

Narrative Text 2


The Ant and the Grasshopper

It was summer, hot and sunny, and, instead of working and preparing for winter, a Grasshopper preferred to dance, sing and play his violin at his leisure, not minding that these wonderful days will soon be over, that cold and rainy days will soon be near. On seeing a hardworking Ant passing by him, preparing for the hard winter that was to come one day, he invited him to join him and share his fun. 
“Unfortunately, I don’t have time for this”, the Ant answered, “I must work hard, so that winter won’t find me without shelter and food.”
“Stop worrying so much, there is still plenty of time to prepare for winter. Let’s sing and dance together, let’s laugh and enjoy life”.
But Ant was very wise and wouldn’t pay attention to the Grasshopper’s words and continued to work hard and store food for the long winter that was to come.
The winter came sooner than expected, and the Grasshopper found himself without home and without food. He went to the Ant’s house and begged him for food and shelter.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t help you”, the Ant said. “I only have room and food for me and my family, so go find help somewhere else.”
“I should have followed Ant’s example in the summer”, the Grasshopper thought sadly. “I would have been so happy now…”


Glossary:         violin: biola                  begged: memohon                  summer: musim panas


Chapter 1 by Mrs. Noor

 Chapter 1

Hallo all my students, Welcome to English Class. I want to introduce myself, 

My full name is Fitri Noor, you can call me Mrs. Noor.

I live in Beran Ngawi. 

Nice to see you!.

Pada Chapter 1 Kita  belajar:

A. Menyapa/ salam (to greet)

B. Ungkapan saat berpisah (to take leave)

C. Mengucapkan terimakasih (to say thank you)

D. Meminta maaf ( to say sorry)


A.   To Greet

·         Hello/Hi! (Halo/Hai!)

·         Good morning. (Selamat pagi)

·         Good afternoon. (Selamat siang)

·         Good evening. (Selamat sore/petang)

·         Hallo, how are you? (Halo apa kabarmu?)

B. To take leave

·         good bye = selamat tinggal!

·         see you = sampai jumpa!

·         bye = selamat tinggal!

·         take care! = hati-hati di jalan!

·         good night! = selamat malam! (diucapkan saat berpisah di malam hari)

C.To say Thank You

·         Thank you/Thanks (terima kasih)

·         -Thank you very much (terima kasih banyak)

·         -Thanks a lot (terima kasih banyak)

·         -I am grateful for...(aku berterima kasih untuk...)

·         -I really appreciate your kindness (aku sangat menghargai kebaikanmu

Respon : you are welcome (sama-sama)

D. To say Sorry

·         Sorry (maaf)

·         I'm so sorry (aku sangat minta maaf)

·         Sorry, It was my fault (maaf, itu semua salahku)

·         I do apologize for... (aku meminta maaf untuk...)

·         Please, forgive me for... (tolong maafkan aku untuk...)


·         It’s okay/ It's alright (tidak apa apa)

·         Don't worry about it (jangan khawatir tentang itu)

·         It doesn't matter (itu bukan masalah)

·         Never mind (jangan dipikirkan)


NEXT :  Narative  Text-1

               Narrative Text 2 

Jumat, 24 Desember 2021

Narrative Text 1


Mousedeer and Crocodille


One day Mousedeer saw a lot of fruits on the other side of the river. He wanted to eat them but he couldn’t cross the river. There were many crocodilles there, but there was no bridge cross the river. The Mousedeer suddenly had an idea. He stood on the river side and called out.

“Hello. Is anybody there?”

Crocodille heard him, he swam fast to meet Mousedeer, and answered, “Hello, Mousedeer. How are you?” Please come in.” He pretended to be friendly. He had a plan. As soon as Mousedeer got near, he would snap him and eat him for breakfast.

But Mousedeer was standing on top of a big stone. In a proud voice he said, “Crocodille, I am here to do the King’s order. The King will give away free meat to all crocodiles. He has sent me to count the number of all the crocodiles here.”

Crocodile was so happy that he forgot his plan to eat Mousedeer. “Really? How will you count us?”

“Please call all your family, relatives, friends, neighbours. Tell them to line up from here to the other side of the river,” ordered Mousedeer.

Before long, all the crocodiles were in a long line across the river. Then, Mousedeer jumped onto the back of one crocodile to another, counting loudly “One, Two, Three, and Four.” When he got to the last crocodile he said “One hundred!” and quickly jumped up to the land.

“How many are we?” asked Crocodile.

“One hundred. Hahaha. I fooled you! Thanks for giving me a bridge to cross the river. Bye!”


Glossary:             top:puncak     relatives:kerabat          fooled:mengelabui


Next : Narative Text-2

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